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Customer Stories

Malaysian company upgrades to faster & more productive thin-kerf sawmill

This family operated sawmill in Terengganu, Malaysia shows how even small companies can benefit from modern and more efficient sawmilling machinery.

Malaysian Schoolteacher Achieves Dream of His Own Woodworking Venture

In the East Coast region of Malaysia, in the State of Kelantan, just outside of the town of Kota Bharu, Mohd Nazmie lives with his family. He’s a schoolteacher. And he’s a woodworker and sawmiller. He salvages trees that otherwise would have been burned. He produces and sells live-edge furniture for friends and local clients. Thanks to a daring investment in an LT15 sawmill, he has opened up a whole niche industry to himself.

Turning Illegally-logged Timber Into 146,000 School Desks

How the Philippines developed a plan to salvage illegally-logged timber that was left rotting after being apprehended by authorities, using the valuable timber to produce...

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